Facts point to Russia-NATO confrontation in Ukraine, diplomat says

Maria Zakharova

MOSCOW, November 24. /TASS/: There is growing evidence indicating that there is a confrontation between Russia and NATO in Ukraine, and the number of alliance experts involved in the conflict on Kiev's side is growing, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing on Thursday.

"The Ukrainian army has long been completely dependent on Western arms supplies, on their intelligence, instructors and mercenaries. It is simply a tool," the diplomat said, "More and more facts are surfacing that indicate that there is a confrontation between Russia and NATO in Ukraine. More and more military experts from alliance countries are fighting in a dozen private military companies and the Ukrainian armed forces."

According to Zakharova, the regime of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky does not hesitate to do whatever the West tells him to do, namely, "to continue fighting until the bitter end and until the last Ukrainian." "He is ready to sacrifice the lives and fates of his citizens, as long as the financial and military aid, without which the Kiev authorities would not last a day, continues," the spokeswoman pointed out.

According to her, everything that is happening is also "a cover for the White House’s financial fraud". "In order to drag NATO further into the conflict, so that even more money and opportunities are allocated and presented, the Zelensky regime is deliberately going for dangerous provocations, for extremism, introducing more and more elements of terrorist activity into its actions," Zakharova added.