Direct air flights to promote bilateral tourism with Pakistan: Indonesian Minister

JAKARTA, Oct 29 (APP): Indonesian Deputy Minister for Tourism and Economic Creativity, Ni Made Ayu Marthini Saturday said that direct air flights are very important to promote bilateral tourism between Indonesia and Pakistan.

Talking to APP here, she said in terms of the population of Indonesia and Pakistan, the market consisting of 500 million people can open new ways of cooperation in all economic sectors including tourism and trade in both countries.

The minister said that there is a need to understand the mutual markets and different economic sectors in both countries, which could open new avenues for mutual economic cooperation.

Marthini said that the government is following a regular plan to promote tourism in Indonesia, in which major changes are brought in the tourism sector by implementing short, medium and long term projects.

She said that Bali is an important place in Indonesia for tourism, but there are many beautiful places like this in Indonesia where our government is committed to providing modern facilities in the tourism sector.

She said that the Indonesian government is working on a two-prong strategy to promote tourism, in which domestic tourists who belong to Indonesia.

She further said that apart from this, our government is working to provide modern facilities to foreign tourists.
The minister said that foreign tourists have a very important role in Indonesian tourism and that is why Pakistan is trying its best to attract foreign tourists to Indonesia.

She said that there are many impressive places in Indonesia for Pakistani tourists and Pakistani tourists are always welcome by the government of Indonesia.

Marthini said that our basic culture has a very important place in Indonesia’s modern economic development and economic reforms, and modern tools will be used to improve this culture.

She said that the economic creative method has a very important role in the tourism and trade sector and the country’s economy will gain stability only through innovation in the tourism sector.

Bali is a big name in world tourism, but the Indonesian government is continuing to work to equip 10 new tourist places with modern facilities, she added.

The minister said that out of these 10 tourist destinations, 5 tourist destinations were declared as a priority of his government.

Ayu Marthini said that apart from this, “we are also working on 50 such villages where international tourists can be attracted and from here the culture and civilization of Indonesia can be made known to the world.

She said that the concept of innovation and creative economy is very important in modern economies, which makes the country’s economy sustainable and inclusive.

She said that economic sustainability is not possible without modern technology and creativity.
They said that information technology and digitalization have a very important role in modern economic creativity.

While briefing the ministry official said that Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, ranging from Sabang in Aceh to Merauke in Papua, which is made up of thousands of large and small islands, which are connected by the strait and sea.
According to data from, the Republic Indonesia in 2010 was as much as 17,504 islands.

The total area of the Indonesian ocean is broader than its land, Indonesia’s land area of 1.91 million km2, while the area of oceans is 6.279 million km2.

With such widespread use, Indonesia keeps many natural resources on land and under the sea is beautiful.
No wonder Indonesia has many wonderful spots especially in the sector of the beach.

Among the many beaches, there are several beaches in Indonesia that are categorized as the most beautiful beaches in the world.

Among other Senggigi Beach in Lombok, Kuta Beach in Bali, Bunaken Beach in Manado, and many other beautiful beaches.

Indonesia has very beautiful natural wealth. Because of its natural beauty, Indonesia has become a tourist destination that is much coveted by both local and international travelers from around the world.

Not only that, Indonesia is also rich in culture, various tribes living in Indonesia with harmony and peace, each tribe has its own characteristics that make cultural diversity in Indonesia, besides Indonesia also has a distinctive culinary style in each territory.