Russia’s absence from IAEA conference downscales status of event — MFA

Maria Zakharova

MOSCOW, October 24. /TASS/: Russia’s absence from the IAEA’s conference on nuclear power in the 21st century downscales the status of this major event, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a commentary on Monday following the United States’ refusal to issue visas to Russian delegates.

"Russia’s non-participation in the forthcoming conference face to face will downscale the level of this major event, of course. The more so, since our delegates certainly have a great deal to say in discussing nuclear power, a field of activity where Russia takes well-recognized leading positions," the commentary reads.

"What is happening should be placed squarely on the conscience of those who, for the sake of unseemly politicking and their selfish aspirations, are trying with all their might to isolate our country in the international arena, using the most unsightly methods," Zakharova said. "But their destructive efforts are futile - they are doomed to failure."