Israel's military escalation in occupied West Bank 'recipe for explosion': PA

Mohammad Shtayyeh

13 Sep 2022; MEMO: The prime minister of the Palestinian Authority said on Monday that the Israeli military escalation in the occupied territories "is nothing but a recipe for a major explosion," Wafa has reported. Mohammad Shtayyeh told his weekly cabinet meeting that this has been "fuelled by Israel with its various political parties for their election propaganda."

Shtayyeh added that the Israeli occupation is hiding behind the absence of a political horizon and the world's preoccupation with Ukraine. "However, elections cannot be a cover for its crimes." The prime minister called on the international community to wake up and look at what Israel is doing "to our oppressed and occupied people."

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With regard to the 29th anniversary of the Oslo Accords, Shtayyeh said that Israel has "cancelled and disregarded" most of the agreement's provisions, and "abolished" its political, economic and geographic aspects. "Moreover, the occupation state has refrained from negotiating the final status issues, continued with its unilateral measures, such as the settlements, continued with the financial deductions in violation of the agreement and stopped the release of the fourth batch of veteran prisoners."

Shtayyeh pointed out that Israel claims before the whole world that it wants to strengthen the PA, but what it is actually doing "is continuing its efforts to destroy the PA and undermine its institutions."