Lebanon: Another section of grain silos collapses in Beirut Port

23 August 2022; MEMO: The northern section of the grain silos at Beirut Port collapsed this morning, covering the surrounding area with dust, the official National News Agency reported, adding that only a small section of the silo now remains standing.

"The northern part of the silos in Beirut Port collapsed, as dust covered the surrounding area," NNA said.

Large parts of the silos were destroyed during the port explosion on 4 August 2020, killing more than 214 people and leaving 7,000 injured, in addition to massive destruction that affected large parts of the city.

Another part of the silo collapsed at the end of July, just days before the second anniversary of the tragedy. This resulted in multiple fires caused by the fermentation of grain and its interaction with the resulting gases.

On 4 August, coinciding with the second anniversary of the Beirut port explosion, four other wheat silos fell.

All attempts to empty the silos have failed due to safety fears.