Lebanon: international support group 'concerned' at lack of progress in Beirut port blast investigation

Beruit Blast Explosion

04 August 2022; MEMO: The International Support Group for Lebanon expressed its "concern" on Wednesday at the lack of progress in the judicial process related to the Beirut port explosion that killed more than 200 people and injured 6,500 others in August, 2020. The explosion damaged 50,000 homes, with financial losses estimated at $15 billion.

The group called on the Lebanese authorities to do everything in their power to remove all obstacles that prevent an "impartial, thorough and transparent" investigation into the port explosion. "Following the judicial track is a necessary requirement to restore the credibility of the Lebanese state institutions, ensure respect for the rule of law, establish the principles of accountability and end the phenomenon of impunity," it added.

Solidarity with Lebanon and its people was also expressed by the group, especially for the victims' families and all whose lives were affected by the explosion that shook Lebanon and the world. "We have grave concern about the severe effects of the economic crisis on all segments of Lebanese society," added the group, "and call on the Lebanese authorities to form a government capable of implementing fundamental reforms."

The group was established in September 2013. It includes the UN, China, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Britain and the United States, as well as the EU and the Arab League. Its objective is to mobilise support and assistance for Lebanon's stability, sovereignty and state institutions.