Hamas to restore relations with Syrian regime

22 June 2022; MEMO: Palestinian resistance group, Hamas, prepares to restore relations with the Syrian regime after a 10-year hiatus, a Palestinian source said on Tuesday, Anadolu News Agency reports.

"The two sides will open a new phase in their relations in the coming period," the source, who preferred to remain unnamed, told Anadolu Agency.

The source said the Lebanese group, Hezbollah, exerted "tireless efforts" to mediate between the two sides.

"Hezbollah was given the green light to bring the views closer between Hamas and the Syrian regime," he added.

According to the source, the move to open up a new page in ties with the Syrian regime was backed unanimously by the Hamas leadership.

Since 1999, Hamas had used Damascus as its headquarters for its leadership abroad, until 2012 when the group left the country following the eruption of the Syrian conflict.

The source said the Syrian regime was, until recently, against any rapprochement with Hamas.

According to the source, a meeting took place recently between Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah and a top Hamas leader, during which they agreed on steps toward normalising ties with the Syrian regime.