India: Hazy & hot sun restrict outdoor activity in Kanpur

Kanpur: What weather reports warned today is to minimise outdoor activity.

Hazy sun and hot conditions prevail which will be dangerous as the real feel has gone to an extreme level.

The maximum feel of the temperature has been recorded hereat 45° Celsius. 

Afternoon outing does not remain possible by covering the head either with a soft white turban or wearing a helmet at riding two wheelers.

The intensity of the sun remains relatively problematic. Sun burning can't be evaded. So it is better to avoid outdoor movement by the weather alert, say many a people.

However, others insist on going out just for their important work. This can not anyhow be averted.

Jajmau being a business place does not find its main wider road desert even during the hot hours. 

One can find a fridge for cold water on one side of the main road in this tannery town.

It is more often seen that the passers-by quench their thirst and some even fill up the bottles for usage.