India: Actor recalls his shooting experience at Kanpur

Kanpur: Divyendu Tripathi alias Munna Tripathi has received tremendous applause from fans.

According to Divyendu, his character Munna Tripathi became a hit. Fans of UP and MP used to gather outside his vanity van.

They would then shout enthusiastically, “Munna Bhaiyya”, he maintained.

Divyendu said that it was an overwhelming experience.

However, he added that many also create a ruckus, which is not good.

He feels that this ruckus leads to unwanted incidents.

Recalling an incident he disclosed how his fans during the shooting for the film Kanpuriye, gathered round the cafe at Kanpur.

He enacted Vijay Dinanath Chauhan's character in this series.

Divyendu recollected that he was shooting for a scene in a café at Kanpur. Suddenly, his production team told him that a crowd had gathered outside the café so he should leave.

Following the team's instructions, Divyendu left through the backdoor.

When the crowd gathered outside came to know about this, they got angry.

In the heat of the moment, as described by Divyendu, they broke the café's glass.

Divyendu said that these unfortunate incidents don't happen in Mumbai.

Th actor said that people there meet him in a well-behaved manner.

He thinks that everyone's personal life is well respected there.

With his ability to get into the skin of the character, Divyendu has become one of the most bankable actors in the Hindi film industry.