Palestine: Our confrontation of the occupation will not end until we obtain our rights

Palestinian woman facing Israeli soldiers

11 April 2022; MEMO: The Palestinians' confrontation of the Israeli occupation will not end until they achieve their legitimate rights and an independent state, a presidential statement said yesterday.

"The confrontation with the occupation is not over yet, and it will not end without our people obtaining their legitimate rights in their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital," presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh said in the statement.

"We are living in a new, dangerous and different reality, which has created a situation that is impossible to continue. This will lead to the closure of any political horizon in the future."

Abu Rudeineh added: "The Palestinian people will not wait forever, this occupation is the cause of all wars, problems and complications in the region."

He warned of "the danger of the instructions issued by Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to his army to operate without restrictions, and his unleashing of the army in the West Bank to kill and abuse."

The spokesman also warned against "the settlers' threats to storm the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque next Friday."

He condemned "the continued killing of Palestinian citizens on a daily basis, the latest of which was the brutal killing of two female citizens by the occupation army's bullets."

Earlier today the Israeli government approved the addition of 40 kilometres to the illegal Separation Wall which is built on Palestinian land by the occupation and separates between the occupied West Bank and Israel. The wall allowed israel to grab more Palestinian land.Israel began building the wall in 2002.

Abu Rudeineh stressed that all of this is "pushing matters towards an uncontrollable situation."

He called for "international protection and international intervention to stop the Israeli aggression against Palestinians, before things reach a devastating stage."

Since the beginning of March, Israeli occupation forces have killed 17 Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, while 14 Israelis have been killed.