Russia cannot but react to risks Ukraine may go nuclear — Lavrov


MOSCOW, March 1. /TASS/: Russia cannot but react to the real risk of Ukraine obtaining nuclear weapons, and it has been taking every measure to prevent this, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in a video address to the Disarmament Conference.

He stressed that the Ukrainian side’s "irresponsible statements" regarding plans for obtaining nuclear weapons were not a "bravado".

"Ukraine has Soviet nuclear technologies and delivery vehicles. We cannot but react to this real danger. I can promise you that Russia as a responsible member of the international community, determined to adhere to its WMD non-proliferation commitments, has been taking every measure to prevent Ukraine from laying hands on nuclear weapons and the related technologies."

Lavrov said Russia hoped that "everybody is aware of the need for addressing this problem."

In his statement at the Munich Security Conference last Saturday Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky speculated that Kiev might reconsider its obligations under the Budapest memorandum, by which Ukraine pledged not to have nuclear weapons in exchange for security guarantees.