Egypt condemns displacement of Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah

18 Feb 2022; MEMO: The Egyptian foreign ministry yesterday condemned the recent eviction of Palestinians from their homes in occupied East Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood.

"Egypt is following with great concern the violent incidents taking place in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah," the ministry said in a statement, adding that Palestinians were subjected to "provocative practices and attacks that exacerbate tensions in the city of Jerusalem."

The ministry's spokesperson, Ahmed Hafez, expressed his country's condemnation of all attempts to "forcefully displace Palestinians from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood, and to change the demographic identity of East Jerusalem."

Hafez stressed that the Israeli practices represented a "violation of the decisions of international legitimacy and law, as well as the continuation of policies of displacing Palestinians."

The official stressed the need to provide the "necessary protection for the brotherly Palestinian people, as well as stopping the demolition of homes and confiscation of lands in the West Bank and East Jerusalem."

"The continuation of similar unilateral measures undermines the chances of reaching a two-state solution and establishing the desired peace in the region," Hafez reiterated.