India: BJP leader seeks to withdraw election petition in Ker HC

Kochi, Mar 6 (PTI) Kerala BJP general secretary K Surendran Wednesday moved the high court seeking to withdraw his election petition challenging the victory of UDF nominee P B Abdul Razak from Majeshwaram constituency in the 2016 assembly polls by 86 votes.

If the court allows the plea, it will pave the way for a bypoll to the constituency as Razak died in October last year.

Following the MLA's death, the court had sought the BJP leader's view on going ahead with his petition.

Soon after the election, Surendran had approached the court challenging the victory of Razak, an IUML nominee, alleging that even votes of those dead or living abroad were cast against him.

In his plea seeking permission to withdraw the case, Surendran submitted that he had taken earnest efforts to prove the irregularities committed in the election by Razak.

"But to prove the challenge against the election at this stage is difficult to attain the finality by examining the witnesses, I believe that the system itself fails in this issue at large," he submitted.

He said it would be difficult to serve summons to the witnesses and to produce them before the court.