Israel demolishes Palestinian health centre in Jerusalem

 Israel demolishes

05 Jan 2022; MEMO: Israeli occupation forces yesterday demolished a Palestinian health centre serving 20,000 Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem without prior notice.

Municipality bulldozers raided the Jabal Al-Mukaber neighbourhood after police cordoned the area off and demolished the health centre.

Director of the centre, Ghassan Jalajel, said the demolition was unexpected, adding that half the centre was affected. An appeal has previously been submitted to the Israeli courts to stop the demolition order.

He said the municipality did not wait for the court's decision and sent its crews without notice.

According to Jalajel, the health centre serves more than 20,000 people who live in Jabal Al-Mukaber.

In the northern Jerusalem neighbourhood of Beit Hanina, a municipality bulldozer demolished a Palestinian residential building under the pretext that it was built without the necessary planning permits.