Turkish municipality to rebuild Palestinian home destroyed by Israeli occupation

 Marwa al Atrash

03 Jan 2022; MEMO: Ugur Ibrahim Altay, Mayor of Turkish city of Konya, reportedly pledged to rebuild the house of a Palestinian family destroyed by the Israeli occupation in occupied West Bank city of Hebron, Safa news agency reported on Sunday.

Owner of the house, Marwa al Atrash, told Safa that Altay did not contact her, but she knew about his intention to rebuild her house from the media.

The Israeli occupation demolished Al Atrash's house a week ago without any prewarning or previous evacuation orders.

Al Atrash said that her father and children have been working hard in order to pay their debts accumulated to build the house.

She also said that no official side have contacted her and pledged any form of help, pointing out that her family has since been living in a tent over the rubble of her destroyed house.

"We will never leave our land," she said. "We will stay here and build a new house."