Turkey: Over 1m Syrians 'voluntarily returned' to their country

 Syrian refugees returning

01 Dec 2021; MEMO: More than one million Syrian refugees have voluntarily returned to their country thanks to the military operations launched by the Turkish army in northwestern Syria, spokesperson Major Pinar Kara said yesterday.

Kara explained that Operations Euphrates Shield, Olive Branch, Peace Spring and Spring Shield carried out by Turkey in northern Syria have provided security and prosperity for the residents of the region which resulted in the "voluntary, safe and dignified" return of more than one million Syrians to their homes, including about 470,000 who have returned to Idlib.

Since July 2015, as many as 33,000 terrorists have been "neutralised" in northern Iraq and Syria including 2,529 terrorists since the beginning of 2021 as a result of the Turkish operations, the official said.

Kara said humanitarian aid and infrastructure support activities carried out by the Ministry of Defence continue in coordination with the concerned authorities in order to return life to normal in the region.

According to the Turkish official, health services were provided to about three million people in 14 hospitals, educational support was provided to more than 300,000 students in 1,325 schools while more than 500 mosques and churches have opened after restoration.