Russia deploys S-300 defence system in Syria airport

 S-300 air defense systems

15 Nov 2021; MEMO: Russia has deployed the S-300 anti-missile defence system in Tabqa airport in the Governorate of Raqqa, northeastern Syria, Russian ANNA News reported on Saturday.

The agency said Moscow deployed the defence system in Tabqa airport and plans to deploy 12 Mi-8 transport helicopters and five Ka-52 attack helicopters at the Sarrin base in the city of Ayn Al-Arab (Kobani), east of Aleppo.

The agency explained that the deployments aim at securing the airspace in northern and eastern regions of Syria.

According to the agency, the S-300 system has also been deployed at Qamishli Airport in the Hasaka countryside, coinciding with the arrival of helicopters and warplanes to the airport.

Meanwhile, tripartite meetings between Syrian regime army officers and the Qasd militia under Russian auspices continue at the Tal Al-Saman base in the countryside of Raqqa and Tal Tamer in the countryside of Hasaka.

Turkish forces and the Syrian National Army factions have also intensified their training and manoeuvres in the areas of Mabrouka in the Hasaka countryside and Tal Abyad in Raqqa countryside.