Palestine scholars criticise talks, reject normalisation with Israel

Israeli attack on Gaza

13 Sep 2021; MEMO: The Palestine Scholars Association yesterday criticised holding talks with Israel and rejected the normalisation of ties with the occupation state, stressing that "resistance is the best choice".

During a conference entitled "Resistance Liberates and Oslo Devastates" held in Gaza, the body's chief Dr Nasim Yassin said: "This wide-scale participation of nobles and elites is proof that the choice of resistance is legitimate and betting on negotiations is a waste of time."

Peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians collapsed in 2014 when the occupation refused to suspend expanding illegal settlements in the West Bank, refused to release veteran Palestinian prisoners, and did not commit to the two-state solution.

He called for the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the occupied West Bank to backtrack from the deals signed with the occupation and "strike deals with the Palestinians in Gaza, improve their lives and conditions."