Germany: Merkel to focus on Ukraine, Belarus, Afghanistan during visit to Russia — spokesperson


BERLIN, August 18. /TASS/: Afghanistan, Belarus and Ukraine will be the focus of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to Moscow on Friday, August 20, Germany’s Government Spokesperson Steffen Seibert said on Wednesday.

"It will definitely be about major international issues: the conflict in eastern Ukraine, for which Russia can do more than it is doing, and Belarus," he said.

When asked if Afghanistan will be touched upon, he said, "I would expect so."

Seibert added that Merkel would lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Kremlin Wall during her visit.

Additionally, Seibert raised the issue of Nord Stream 2, recalling that it is crucial for Germany that Ukraine will continue transiting Russian gas in the future. Berlin will speak up for that, the government spokesperson added.

He also pointed out that the Alexey Navalny case has had a negative impact on Russian-German relations.