India: Newborn girl found in wooden box floating in Ganga

Ghazipur (UP), Jun 16 (PTI) A newborn girl, wrapped in a piece of cloth and a chit declaring her as the "daughter of the Ganga", was found in a wooden box floating in the river at Dadrihhat here.

Contained a picture of goddess Durga, a horoscope and incense sticks, the box carrying the infant was found by a local boatman, Gullu Chaudhary, who carried the girl home.

Police said Gullu was at the Dadrighat on Tuesday evening when he heard cries of the baby and found her alive in the box.

Later, police got the child admitted to the district hospital.

In a tweet, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath praised the boatman and said that the government will make arrangements for the upbringing of the child.

The boatman who saved the life of a newborn girl has presented a unique example of humanity, he said.

"As a token of gratitude, he will be benefitted by all eligible government schemes. The UP government will make arrangements for the upbringing of the child, the CM said in a tweet in Hindi.

District Magistrate Mangala Prasad Singh and other officials visited the hospital to enquire about the health of the infant.

Thanking Chaudhary for saving the life of the girl, the DM directed officials to provide a new boat to him.

Chaudhary has expressed his desire to raise the child.