Drones strike US base at Erbil airport, northern Iraq

 Drones strike US base at Erbil

15 Apr 2021; MEMO: An explosive-laden drone targeted a central command for the US-led International Coalition Erbil International Airport in northern Iraq yesterday causing material damages, the Interior Ministry of the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) said, Reuters reports.

IKRG President Nechirvan Barzani condemned the attack in a press release.

He said the strike on the airport, as well as a rocket attack on a military compound in northern Iraq's Bashiqa region earlier in the day, would lead to more tension and instability in the country and threaten Iraq's national interests at the highest level.

The presidency said in the statement: "There are no justifications for these attacks. These attacks will only lead to further tensions, destabilise Iraq and threaten its national interests. It is important to take a serious stance as these attacks continue."

Meanwhile, the KRG's Ministry of the Interior said: "The drone was carrying TNT which it used to target the U.S. forces."

An explosion was also heard near the area, and an investigation into the incident has been launched, according to the ministry.

No one was hurt in the attack.

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi ordered an investigation into the attack.

Before the incident, at least two rockets landed on an army base to the west of Erbil that hosts Turkish forces, killing one soldier, Turkish officials said.