Ex-Israel spy Pollard storms Joseph's Tomb in Nablus

Jonathan Pollard

14 Apr 2021; MEMO: Former Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard, yesterday joined scores of illegal settlers in storming Joseph's Tomb in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus.

Local Kan reported that Pollard had accompanied a "convoy of buses packed with scores of Jewish settlers who broke into the site and performed religious rituals," adding that Israeli occupation forces had secured the road and venue for them.

Pollard served a 30-year sentence in prison in the United States for spying for Israel. He was released by former US President Donald Trump, despite all his predecessors' refusal to pardon him.

Joseph's Tomb is believed by Palestinians to be the burial site for local religious figure, Sheikh Yousef Dweikat, while Israelis believe it belongs to the Biblical Patriarch Joseph.