Restoration Works For Ancient Arch De Triumph In Syria’s Palmyra To Begin On Nov 12

Arch De Triumph

DAMASCUS, Apr 10 (NNN-SANA) – Director of “Stone Industry Association” in Russia , Dmitri Mediansev, said, the restoration works for archaeological Arch de Triumph, in the city of Palmyra, will start on Nov 12, 2021.

“ During the past two days, some field actions were done.. we inspected the site and undertook outlining projects, in cooperation with General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums in Syria,” Mediansev said, following a meeting held between Syrian ruin experts and their Russian counterpart, at the National Museum of Damascus.

He added, the Russian experts’ team comprises special engineers in the fields of reconstruction, restoration and three-dimension photography.

The Russian expert expressed appreciation for sharing in this “humanitarian and civilisational project that boosts exchange of experiences between the two countries, to restore the archaeological heritage site of Palmyra.”

Director of Excavations and Archaeological Studies, at General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums, Hammam Sa’ad, pointed out to cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation ( UNESCO ), to form a scientific commission to show their expertise and help the two teams work in line with international criteria adopted for the restoration of antiquities.