Palestinian child tortured, tied to prison bed, denied food and water

 Nouruddin Obeid

25 Mar 2021; MEMO: The Palestinian Commission of Detainees' and Ex-Detainees' Affairs has accused the Israeli occupation police and jailers of physically assaulting and maltreating a Palestinian child from Jerusalem during his detention, the Palestinian Information Centre reported.

According to the group's lawyer, 17-year-old Nouruddin Obeid, from the occupied East Jerusalem district of Issawiya, was kidnapped by occupation forces on 23 December 2020.

The lawyer, who visited Nouruddin in Damon jail, quoted him as saying that occupation forces severely beat him with their hands, legs and weapons and wounded him before hauling him into a military jeep where they continued to beat him.

They then transferred him to a police station in Jerusalem, where they questioned him for about an hour with his hands and legs shackled, deprived him of going to the bathroom and detained him until two o'clock in the morning keeping him in the yard at a time of cold weather, before taking him to a cell at the Moskobiya Detention Center in West Jerusalem.

He was held for 12 days in Moskobiya Detention Center before being transferred to Ofek prison. There, he asked to speak to his family, and was assaulted, and tied to his bed then deprived of food and water and the ability to use the toilet.

He stayed in Ofek prison for ten days before being transferred to the juvenile section of Damon jail.