India: Teen sisters' death in UP, honour killing a possibility

Pilibhit (UP), Mar 24 (PTI) Police are suspecting the parents' role in the case of two teenage sisters who were found dead under mysterious circumstances at Jasauli village here, an official said on Wednesday.

The two deceased, aged 17 and 19, had gone out to attend to nature's call on Monday night but did not return. One of them was found dead in a field while the other was found hanging from a tree on Tuesday morning, Pilibhit Superintendent of Police Jai Prakash said.

Their family lives at Kasimpur village near a brickfield where the teenagers' father works as a labourer, the SP said.

"The family members had found a dead body but they did not inform the police. The role of family members is suspicious. We have got a number of evidences and the case will be worked out soon," the SP said.

The bodies, which were sent for a post-mortem, were later handed over to the family members, who have cremated them on Wednesday.

Family members of the victims said that they were being pressurised by the police. Police, though, are pointing at the possibility that it could be a case of honour killing.