Bomb attack targets US-led coalition convoy in Iraq

 US Military Convoy

18 Mar 2021; MEMO: An Iraqi security source announced on Thursday that a convoy of trucks carrying logistical equipment for the international coalition forces in southern Iraq was targeted with explosives.

A lieutenant in the Diwaniyah police department told Anadolu Agency: "An explosive device exploded on the highway as a convoy of civilian trucks carrying logistical equipment belonging to the coalition forces passed by."

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed: "The explosion did not cause any casualties or material damage."

The Iraqi authorities had not issued a statement regarding the attack until 11:40 GMT, while no party has yet claimed responsibility for the offensive.

Anadolu Agency reported that this is the 32nd attack in 11 weeks, while the majority of the offensives took place in central and southern Iraq.

Around 3,000 US-led coalition elements, including 2,500 US soldiers, are deployed in Iraq to fight Daesh.

Washington, the leader of the coalition, accused armed Iraqi factions linked to Iran of carrying out these attacks and others targeting its embassy and military bases where US troops are stationed.

The Iraqi political forces are calling for the US troops to leave the country following a decision approved by parliament on 5 January, 2020, ordering the evacuation of all foreign forces.

The decision of parliament came two days after the Iranian Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani and leader of the Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Forces Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, among others, were killed in a US raid near Baghdad International Airport.