Afghan forces cleanup operations kill 34 militants in southern Kandahar province

Afghan security forces

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan, March 17 (Xinhua) -- A total of 34 militants have been killed as cleanup operations continued in Taliban former stronghold Afghanistan's southern Kandahar province, Defense Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

Backed by fighting planes, the operations have covered Arghandab, Panjway, Zhari and Spinboldak districts, the statement said, adding so far 34 armed insurgents have been killed and nine more sustained injuries.

Without hinting at the possible casualties of security personnel, the statement also asserted that eight motorbikes of the militants and a weapon cache of the insurgents had been destroyed.

Taliban militants, who are in control of parts of Kandahar province with Kandahar city as its capital 450 km south of Kabul, have yet to make comment on the report.