Syria Urges UN To Stop Israeli Attacks

Syrian Foreign Ministry

DAMASCUS, Dec 31 (NNN-SANA) – The Syrian Foreign Ministry, yesterday, urged the United Nations Security Council, to take firm and immediate measures, to stop Israeli aggression on Syria.

In a statement, the ministry said, the Israeli attacks are the result of the “unlimited” support by the United States and some UN Security Council members.

The ministry said, the Syrian government condemns the attack, that was carried out by Israel on Syrian military bases at dawn yesterday.

“Syria again demands the UN Security Council to shoulder its responsibility, in the framework of the UN Charter and most importantly, the preserving of international peace and security,” the statement read.

Earlier yesterday, one soldier was killed and three others were wounded, by a fresh Israeli missile attack, against a military base in the western countryside of the capital Damascus.

The missile attack was carried out from outside Syrian airspace at dawn, and targeted an air defence unit in the Zabadani suburb, west of Damascus. The Syrian air defences intercepted some of the missiles.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, the Israeli attack targeted a base run by the Shiite Lebanese Hezbollah, in Zabadani.