US-supplies convoy targeted by explosive device in Iraq

 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles

26 Dec 2020; MEMO: The Iraqi Defence Ministry announced on Friday that an explosive device detonated on a convoy of Iraqi trucks carrying supplies for the US-led international coalition on Al-Diwaniyah highway, south of the country, Anadolu Agency reported.

The ministry's media department disclosed that the explosion wounded a driver, causing damage to his vehicle.

According to Anadolu Agency, this is the fourth such attack within one week. The Turkish news agency confirmed that one attack occurred on Sunday, another on Monday and a third on Wednesday.

Washington accuses armed groups related to Iran of carrying out the attacks targeting its embassy and military bases.

Shia armed groups, including Iraqi Hezbollah linked to Iran, have threatened to attack the US military forces bases in Iraq if they do not withdraw, based on the parliamentarian resolution stipulating the end of foreign existence in the country.

The resolution was adopted on 5 January following the assassination of top Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad.