Spain To Start Vaccinations Against COVID-19 On Dec 27: Health Minister

Salvador Illa

MADRID, Dec 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) – Spanish Health Minister, Salvador Illa said yesterday that vaccinations against COVID-19 will begin in Spain on Dec 27.

The first vaccinations will use the BioNTech Pfizer vaccine, which will arrive in Spain on Dec 26.

“If Europe agreed that vaccination begins in a coordinated manner, in Spain, we are going to start the first possible day,” Illa said, at a press conference.

The health minister said, he is waiting for European authorities to confirm the number of doses that Spain will receive, but promised that it will be “an equitable distribution.”

Illa also expressed his hope that around “20 million citizens” will have been inoculated by May or June.

“This means, the start of the end of the pandemic, it is not the end of the pandemic, we will have to keep our guard up, but it is the start of the end,” said the minister.