Taiwan reunification an irresistible trend: Xi

 Xi Jinping

BEIJING, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) -- President Xi Jinping on Wednesday stressed that achieving the country's greatness, national rejuvenation and cross-Strait reunification is the trend of history, which can never be blocked by anyone or any force.

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks at a gathering to commemorate the 40th anniversary of issuing Message to Compatriots in Taiwan.

The historical and legal facts, that Taiwan is part of China and the two sides across Taiwan Strait belong to one and the same China, can never be altered by anyone or any force, said Xi.

The fact that compatriots across the Strait are all Chinese who share natural kinship and national identity can never be changed by anyone or any force, Xi added.

The peaceful and stable development of cross-Strait situations and the progress of cross-Strait relations are the tide of the time that can never be stopped by anyone or any force, said Xi.