'US assassination plan is obvious and expected': Assad

Bashar al-Assad

09 Oct 2020; MEMO: Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad claimed that US President Donald Trump’s plan to assassinate him is part of a rooted US policy that relies on assassination attempts, while stressing the need for an international balance to deter or punish the US administration for its “evil actions”.

Al-Assad divulged in an interview with Sputnik on Thursday, that: “Assassinations represent an American method of action. This is what they did for decades everywhere, in different regions of the world. This is not something new.”

He added: “You should always remember that this type of plan always exists for various reasons, and we have to expect that, with regards to our situation in Syria and our conflict with the Americans. They are occupying our land and supporting the terrorists, and therefore this is expected. Even if we do not have any information, we should expect it.”

Al-Assad continued: “Nothing will deter the US from committing these kinds of evil actions unless there is an international balance, so that it cannot avoid accountability for its crime, otherwise they will continue to commit these acts in various regions, and nothing will stop them.”

Trump revealed last month that he wanted to assassinate Al-Assad in 2017, but Defence Secretary James Mattis opposed him at the time.