Thirteen Whitist terrorists arrested in Michigan for plotting kidnapping of Gov Gretchen Whitmer

 Gov Gretchen Whitmer

Delhi; 09 Oct 2020 (UMMN): Thirteen whitist terrorists have been arrested for plotting to kidnap the Michigan Governor, and attacking the state capitol building to incite violence.

In a sweeping action FBI arrested seven members of Wolverine Watchmen militia group and six others for the plot. The six men charged in federal court are identified as Adam Fox, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, Brandon Caserta, all of Michigan, and Barry Croft of Delaware.

Their scheme involved elaborate planning, intensive training and rehearsals to seize Ms Whitmer at her vacation home, according to an affidavit filed by FBI special agent Richard Trask.

Andrew Birge, the US attorney in western Michigan, called them "violent extremists".

"Our efforts uncovered elaborate plans to endanger the lives of law enforcement officers, government officials and the broader public," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel told a news conference.

The Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer has traded barbs with Republican President Donald Trump over her response to the coronavirus pandemic.

According to ABC, Ms Whitmer, at a news conference, accused Mr Trump of encouraging extremist groups like the "sick and depraved men" that targeted her, citing his failure to condemn white supremacists at the recent US presidential debate against Joe Biden.

"When our leaders meet with, encourage and fraternise with domestic terrorists they legitimise their actions, and they are complicit," Ms Whitmer said.

On May Day, dozens of protesters, some of them heavily armed, occupied the Michigan state capitol building with some chanting "lock her up" in reference to Ms Whitmer.

Internal US security memos in recent months have warned that violent domestic extremists could pose a threat to election-related targets, a concern exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, political tensions, civil unrest and foreign disinformation campaigns, reported ABC.