Israel anti-government campaigners threaten to legally protest police use of water cannons

Anti Netanyahoo protest in Isael

26 July 2020; MEMO: Israeli protest leaders calling for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s resignation announced their intention to petition the Supreme Court if water cannons are used against protesters, i24 News reported.

Protest movement leader and organiser Gonen Ben Yitzhak slammed the police for using the controversial control method, and said it was “far from harmless”

He said in a statement on social media: “Police have used water cannons, blasting high-pressured water at protesters. This represents unwarranted and disproportionate use of force that endangers the demonstrators and has caused some severe injuries, including head wounds and injuries to internal organs.”

The protesters are calling for the resignation of Netanyahu over his government’s handling of COVID-19, and the corruption charges being brought against him.

Netanyahu was indicted on charges of accepting ‘improper’ gifts, and bribery with media moguls in exchange for positive coverage, of which Netanyahu denies.

What is a water cannon?

A water cannon is a method of crowd control used by police across the world, and shoots high velocity concentrated jets of water at protesters or crowds.

The method is currently being used by police in Hong Kong against protesters.

Water cannons can cause death or serious injury, and are classed as a “less lethal” weapon in the UK.

UK-based civil liberties campaign group Liberty described water cannons as “militaristic and brutal”.