india: Students facing network problem during virtual lessons

KANPUR: Online classes are now the reality of the day. It is not practical to open the school in view of increasing cases of the coronavirus. Control is yet not clearly possible that leads to the execution of lockdown again.

Students are attending the virtual classes staying at the precincts of their respective homes. What they require is an internet link for learning their subjects on different days.

Parents have to cough up an extra amount of money for the online classes. They made it clear that this was another expense from the usual school fee. The school is closed but the fee waiver stayed unimplemented.

In such type of online classes, there is a big problem of the network link. The students complain of this persistently prevailing problem. They bring the notice of the difficulty during the classes even.

Despite no worry of getting ready for the school in the morning hours, the students are found to be absent. Why so? It is only the students know but they never like to reveal the cause of absence. Their absence becomes known at the announcement of the list after the classes.