India: Fog men to help control train mishap

KANPUR: In order to maintain the safe running of the trains during the foggy days the Railways has deployed fog signalman on small and big stations. They will be equipped with the CUG phone, red & green fog lights, walkie-talkie, and firecrackers. Not only these things but they will remain connected with the control room from morn till night.

Giving this information GK Bansal, chief public relation officer, NCR said that the railways has always been determined to resolve the late running of the trains owing to fog conditions. Fog pilot assistant device based on GPS was also being provided in the engine which keeps the driver watchful to control speed in accordance with the signal.

The trains’ speed restricts to 60 km/h during the fog. Only one train will pass between two stations. After the train's departure from the station, another will train will get a signal.

Stations like Allahabad and Kanpur will obtain four fog men while there will be deployed two fog men at small stations in the region. The firecrackers will blow up along the track 270 metres prior to the stop signal.