Baath Party committed several mistakes during its rule: Bashar Al-Assad

 Bashar al-Assad

16 June 2020; MEMO: Syrian regime President Bashar Al-Assad said yesterday that his ruling Baath Party committed some mistakes during its rule causing its role to decline.

In a written speech sent to members of the party ahead of the parliamentary elections scheduled for Friday, Al-Assad said: “The ruling Baath Party’s mistakes have led to preventing competent cadres from exercising their right and duty to run, elect and participate in the delivery of competent leaders to represent them in partisan positions or in elected national institutions.”

“The most important measure that preserves, develops and strengthens the partisan institution is to expand the participation of partisan bases in choosing their representatives in parliament,” he added.

The Syrian president recently dismissed Prime Minister Imad Khamis from his position and replaced him with Hussein Arnous who is also minister of water resources.