US offered Syria president ‘proposal’ to ease his crisis

09 June 2020; MEMO: The United States special envoy to Syria, James Jeffrey, announced on Sunday that Washington offered to get Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad out of his crisis.

Jeffrey explained that the collapse of the Syrian pound’s value is in part due to the measures taken by the United States against the regime.

“The Syrian pound’s collapse proves that Russia and Iran are no longer able to float the Assad regime while the regime itself is no longer able to manage an effective economic policy,” Jeffrey said, explaining that the Syrian regime is no longer able to launder its money in Lebanese banks which are suffering from a shortage of foreign reserve.

“If Assad is interested in his people, he will accept the offer, and we are in constant contact with the Russians and other prominent players as well as the Syrian opposition, which must remain united,” he said.

The official said Washington demands a change in the Syrian regime’s “behaviour” including to stop providing shelter for terrorist organisations, stop using chemical weapons against its people and neighbours as well as stop providing a base for Iran to extend its hegemony over the region.