Israeli Extremists Vandalise Palestinian Vehicles In West Bank

 Palestinian Vehicles burnt In West Bank

JERUSALEM, June 9 (NNN-WAFA) – Israeli extremists, carried out a hate crime attack in a West Bank town, vandalising vehicles and home walls, Palestinian residents and Israeli authorities said on Monday.

The attack took place before dawn in As-Sawiya, a Palestinian town, in the south of Nablus city, in the northern West Bank.

Police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld, said that, the police received a report that “damage was caused to a number of vehicles and graffiti were found in the area.”

He added that, police and military forces will enter the area to investigate the incident.

Yesh Din, an Israeli human rights group, said that, 12 cars were heavily damaged in the attack.

Photos taken by the residents showed that hate graffiti were spray-painted on residential buildings.

Thousands of anti-Arab hate crimes have been carried out by ultra-nationalist Israelis, over the past years, mostly in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

According to figures collected by Yesh Din, since the beginning of Mar, the group’s field researchers have documented 44 cases of such offences, committed by Israelis, against Palestinians in the West Bank.