Assad regime broadcasts Daesh confessions of terrorist attacks with US coordination

Daesh fighters

16 May 2020; MEMO: The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) broadcasted on Thursday evening what it claims are the “confessions” of Daesh fighters, who have been recently arrested.

According to SANA, the Daesh fighters, arrested by the Syrian regime forces, confessed that they had carried out terrorist attacks in coordination with US troops.

The news agency indicated that the detained Daesh fighters: “Carried out various terrorist attacks, including murders, executions and kidnappings, in addition to sabotaging and destroying public property.”

SANA confirmed that, according to the confessions, the fighters acknowledged that many of these operations were being coordinated by Daesh leaders and the US troops deployed in Al-Tanf on the Syrian-Jordanian borders.

The detainees added that: “They were instructed by the US troops in Al-Tanf, who directed the terrorist organisation’s leader, Hassan Alqam Al-Jazrawi, to target the regime forces.”

They also confessed that they were active under the US directives in the Palmyra area, the T-4 airbase, and the nearby oil fields, such as the Shaer gas field.

The agency broadcasted confessions of one of the arrested Daesh militants, who disclosed: “A person close to Al-Jazrawi named Hassan Al-Wali came to us and told me that he was meeting with the Americans at Al-Tanf base, who instructed him to target the Palmyra area and T-4 airbase, adding that the Americans will support us with weapons, rocket launchers and machine guns.”

The Daesh fighter continued: “They told us that they are supporting us financially and giving us cars and everything, and they also promised to send reconnaissance planes to monitor the Palmyra area and the airports for us. They also uploaded the TAG application on our phones, so that we can monitor the movements of the Syrian army. Al-Jazrawi agreed to this, but he asked them to wait until he manages to mobilise more elements from the Euphrates region to complete the number he needed, because we were just a few and we could not carry on this major operation alone.”

The US has not yet made comment on the accusations made by the Syrian regime.