UAE-backed forces say self-rule decision in southern Yemen ‘irreversible’

 UAE backed forces in Yemen

28 April 2020; MEMO: A leader in the UAE-backed Yemeni Southern Transitional Council (STC) said yesterday that the council will never reverse its declaration of autonomous rule over a number of southern provinces including the strategic city of Aden, Anadolu Agency reported.

The head of the STC’s Al-Dhale’ governorate, Abdullah Mahdi Saeed, said in a statement that the self-rule decision is “irreversible”, adding “we have a great responsibility to implement the decision properly, and we are prepared for the worst”.

“Today we are facing many enemies from multiple directions and we have a duty to our people,” Saeed said, explaining that the decision of autonomous rule is the result of “massive provocations” by the Yemeni government against the southern people.

Saeed accused the internationally recognised, Saudi-based government of “intentionally starving and subjugating the southern people by degrading public services and torturing citizens”.

“This step came because of the government’s procrastination and evasion of the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement as well as the lack of positive engagement regarding calls to improve living conditions,” he added, in reference to the accord signed last November to reconcile difference between the internationally recognised Yemen government and the STC.

There was no immediate comment from the Yemeni government on the STC official’s statements.

On Sunday, the UAE-backed STC declared a state of public emergency and autonomous rule over the south.

A few hours later, five out of eight Yemeni governorates rejected the group’s declaration and confirmed their allegiance to President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.

The Saudi-led coalition rejected the STC’s announcement, stressing the need to work to implement the Riyadh Agreement.