Children to be allowed to play outside in Spain


MADRID, April 24 (NNN-AGENCIES) — By the time children under 14 are allowed out of their homes again on Sunday, Spain’s lockdown will have been in place for six weeks.

The government has now given details of how it’ll work under a so-called 1-1-1 rule. Up to three children will be allowed out with one responsible adult for one hour and for up to 1km from their home.

Most families live in flats so for the 6.8 million children involved this is a big moment. They’ll be allowed to run, carry toys and a ball, and carry a scooter, between 0900 and 2100. But parks and playgrounds will stay out of bounds and social distancing will have to continue.

The government initially said children could only go to the shops with their parents but they relented when faced with a chorus of criticism and now say running, jumping and exercising will be allowed too.