US’ Biden calls on Trump to ease sanctions on Iran to confront coronavirus

Joe Biden

03 April 2020; MEMO: US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has called on the President Donald Trump to ease sanctions on Iran to help it confront the coronavirus pandemic.

“In times of global crisis, America should lead. We should be the first to offer help to people who are hurting or in danger. That’s who we are. That’s who we’ve always been,” Biden said in a statement issued yesterday.

“And, in the midst of this deadly pandemic that respects no borders, the United States should take steps to offer what relief we can to those nations hardest hit by this virus— including Iran — even as we prioritize the health of the American people,” he added.

Biden, who is also a former vice president, suggested granting a license to pharmaceutical and medical supplies companies to export their equipment to Iran, and allowing Tehran to access international banks and transport companies. In return, he proposed that Tehran release US citizens it has detained.

“Whatever our profound differences with the Iranian government, we should support the Iranian people,” he added.