Saudi Arabia suspends work in government agencies over corona

17 Mar 2020; MEMO: Saudi Arabia announced on Sunday the suspension of employees’ attendance at all government workplaces for a period of 16 days starting yesterday as a precautionary measures against the spread of the coronavirus, the Saudi News Agency reported.

The Saudi government’s decision does not include those working in the health, security and educational sectors.

The kingdom also ordered the closure of markets, shopping malls, beauty salons and gatherings in public places, including parks, beaches, resorts, camps and wild parks.

The new instructions stipulate that companies and institutions must apply 14-day home quarantine for all expatriate workers starting from the day of their arrival in the kingdom before allowing them to commence work.

Earlier on Sunday, the Saudi Ministry of Health announced that the total number of coronavirus patients has increased to 118 cases.

Last week, the World Health Organisation classified the coronavirus as a pandemic.