Chancellor Merkel meets Haftar in Berlin

Angela Merkel

German Chancellor Angela Merkel met retired Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar in Berlin.

German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said in a written statement on Tuesday that Merkel met Haftar in Berlin, where they exchanged views on the Libyan crisis.

Seibert added that Merkel asserted that the use of military force would not lead to solving the Libyan conflict, while stressing the need to move forward to establish a ceasefire and start political negotiations, about the decisions of the last Berlin conference.

Last January, Berlin hosted a conference with the participation of 12 countries and four international and regional organisations. One of the most prominent provisions announced in the conference’s closing statement was the need to adhere to a cease-fire under a Turkish-Russian accord that has been reached on 12 January and resume the political track to address the conflict.