Iran’s Rouhani says country to witness economic boom in 2020

Hassan Rouhani

31 Dec 2019; MEMO: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said yesterday that his country will witness positive economic growth next year, Russia’s Sputnik news agency reported.

Speaking during a visit to an exhibition of petrochemical industries in Tehran, Rouhani said the sector provides Tehran with about 20 per cent of its foreign currency needs.

“The value of Iranian petrochemical products will reach $37 billion in its third qualitative leap in the next few years,” Rouhani said, adding that this leap will turn Iran into the leading country in the field of petrochemical industries in the Middle East.

Rouhani said economic growth in Iran reflects the enemies’ failure to achieve their goals.

“Everyone knows that the impact of sanctions and pressure on our country will end,” he added.

Last year, US President Donald Trump abandoned a 2015 pact between Iran and world powers under which Tehran accepted curbs to its nuclear programme in return for the lifting of sanctions.

Trump then imposed “unprecedented sanctions” on the Islamic Republic which the US has warned will get more severe in 2020.