Russia, EC and Ukraine will hold another meeting on gas until year-end — Naftogaz

executive director of Naftogaz Yury Vitrenko

BERLIN, December 19. /TASS/: Talks on Russian gas transit between Russia, Ukraine and the European Commission (EC) will be held once more until the end of 2019, executive director of Naftogaz Yury Vitrenko told TASS on Thursday after trilateral consultations in Berlin.

"Yes, there will be [another meeting]. It will be held soon, by the end of the year," Vitrenko said in response to a corresponding question. He added that the meeting will be most likely held in the trilateral format. "Let's see, we have three parties — the European Union, Ukraine and Russia," Vitrenko noted.

He stressed that Thursday talks focused on volumes and terms of the contract, so the reached agreements need to be discussed by the parties with their respective heads of state. "We do not make details public yet. We have a package agreement, and we need to coordinate everything in respective capitals," Vitrenko concluded.

Trilateral consultations on gas between Russia, Ukraine and the European Commission were held in Berlin on Thursday for over six hours. The current contract between Russia's Gazprom and Ukraine's Naftogaz on Russian gas transit expires on 31 December 2019. The previous trilateral consultations were held on October 28.