Situation on space station under control, cosmonauts fixing problem with air leak

International Space Station

MOSCOW, August 30. /TASS/. Cosmonauts are working to fix the problem with a minor air leak discovered on the International Space Station (ISS) and the situation on the orbital outpost is under control, the press office of Russia’s State Space Corporation Roscosmos told TASS on Thursday.

Roscosmos Chief Dmitry Rogozin said earlier on Thursday that an emergency situation had occurred on the space station. A minor crack was discovered in a side compartment of the Russian manned Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft docked to the ISS and this fracture was the cause of an air leak. Later, media reports said that this fault caused a drop in pressure on the ISS.

"The situation on the International Space Station is under control and the cosmonauts are already fixing the problem with the air leak," the Roscosmos press office said.

As the Roscosmos chief said, the fracture was caused by the impact of a micro-meteorite, according to preliminary data. The exact cause will be identified by a special commission, he added.