Venezuelan authorities say Barbados talks with opposition proceeding well

Venezuelan Minister of Communications and Information Jorge Rodriguez

CARACAS, July 11. /TASS/: Talks between the Venezuelan government and opposition in Barbados are proceeding well, Minister of Communications and Information Jorge Rodriguez said on Wednesday.

"Another day at the negotiations table in Barbados is over. Disagreements are resolved by constitutional and peaceful means. Successful exchange of opinions is carried out with the mediation by the Norwegian government," Rodriguez wrote on his official Twitter account.

He also noted that the Venezuelan authorities want to "thank Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley for hospitality."

In May, the Venezuelan authorities and opposition held at least two rounds of indirect talks in Oslo. On Monday, the new round of talks has kicked off in Barbados. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said that the meeting lasted for five hours and did not rule out that an agreement may be reached at the talks.