200-250 Israeli prisoners of war being held in Gaza, says Palestinian resistance

Mia Schem

17 October 2023; MEMO: The Palestinian resistance has said it has between 200-250 Israelis held as prisoners of war.

The details were released along with a short video of one of the captives. 21-year-old Mia Schem could be seen in the footage being treated after she was wounded in her arm, and later speaking to the camera.

She tells the camera she was operated on for three hours and that “I’m being cared for, I’m getting medications. I’m only asking for me to be returned home as soon as possible, to my family, to my parents, to my siblings. Please get me out of here as soon as possible.”

Schem’s family reacts to the clip, saying: “We’re happy.”

Last week the Palestinian resistance said 13 prisoners of war had been killed as a result of Israel’s relentless bombing campaign against the Gaza Strip.